Punta Cana, DR

Our quick stopover in Santo Domingo featured some pretty spectacular hospitality by Armando’s family, which extended right up to the door of the bus. Our five hour ride to Punta Cana was pretty uninteresting, but in conjunction with a short cab ride, was enough to see us into our resort – the VIK Cayena Beach… Continue reading Punta Cana, DR

Mar del Plata, AR

Our ferry ride from Colonia to Buenos Aires was pleasant, and we taxi’d to the Retiro bus terminal to book our travel to Mar del Plata. At the terminal an agent sold us tickets for a bus departing almost immediately. We sprinted down the length of the concourse, only to be brought up short halfway,… Continue reading Mar del Plata, AR

Colonia, UY

Many things about Uruguay have been better than expected. The view from the bus isn’t really one of them. The scenery here looks pretty much just like southern Alberta, with a few more trees, so doesn’t match up with some of our past rides. Our host was kind enough to offer us a ride to… Continue reading Colonia, UY

Piriápolis, UY

After about 27 hours on the road – most of that actually in one bus or another – we arrived in Piriápolis, making this our longest “travel day” yet on the trip. Our bus departed from Puerto Iguazú at 5:45PM, and took us overnight to arrive at Concordia at 6:30AM. This sounded like a pretty good… Continue reading Piriápolis, UY

Buenos Aires, AR… Again

We arrived at Chill House, Buenos Aires, and were immediately greeted with a recommendation for a local restaurant. We tucked in straight away to a meal loaded with forbidden beer, red meat, onions, and garlic. It was fantastic. Having already seen quite a bit of the “touristy” side of the city we instead used the… Continue reading Buenos Aires, AR… Again

Eco Yoga Park (week 2), AR

Week Two at the Park proceeded very much like Week One, with much the same routine of early mornings, chores, meals and yoga. Our main chore became varnishing the monks’ house, which we found somewhat less back-breaking than garden work, but a lot messier – both of us left stained garments behind, bequeathed to future painters. Having… Continue reading Eco Yoga Park (week 2), AR

Heidelberg, DE

Our first stop in town was at the TIC to figure out some place to stay. Heidelberg is home to the longest pedestrian street in Germany, called Hauptstrasse, and along the 1.6km of this street most of the interesting things in town are centered. Unfortunately there do not seem to be any “budget” accomodations near… Continue reading Heidelberg, DE

Füssen, DE

We got away from Munich just in time. During our last evening in town a soft fog rolled in, and by morning it had congealed and cooled into a decidedly unwelcoming mess. We made our escape and headed south and west, through Buchloe and on to Füssen. The ride was pleasant, but didn’t become really… Continue reading Füssen, DE

Nürnberg, DE

It’s my first post in Germany, so I’ll ramble for a bit first. Before arriving in Germany I had expected to find the German language very difficult. In some ways it is, but I had failed to appreciate how much English owes to German in terms of basic vocabulary. Of course there are words picked up… Continue reading Nürnberg, DE