The End; The Beginning

For both Christina and myself this is the last day of work before we depart. We’ll have a week of time at home to get our act together and pack, then we’re off! The trip will be pretty awesome, but even just taking a year off is a pretty serious undertaking. For both of us, the last time we had a year off was probably just before starting school. So, like, when we were five…

Christina has been gracefully crafting her exit, handing over responsibilities, and entertaining farewells for some time now. I’m in a dead sprint to the end, culminating in an after-hours production deployment for one of my most recent clients.

The next week will be occupied with packing up the condo and making our final preparations for departure. It’s worth a lot to have this time to shake off the feeling of pressure, deadlines, office coffee, and responsibility. To mentally prepare for a year of challenge and change.

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